Who Is A Candidate For Veneers?

With the ability to be color-matched to your surrounding natural teeth, or shaded much whiter for smile makeovers, dental veneers are a popular cosmetic choice. Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells that are permanently bonded to the front surface of the teeth. Veneers can also be made using a durable composite resin.

Dental veneers can be used to address a number of cosmetic issues with teeth. This may include the use of one or two veneers to mask a broken or chipped tooth, or more to refresh a complete smile. At Smile Family Dentistry we provide our patients with cosmetic solutions to meet individual needs.

Can I Get Dental Veneers?

While very versatile, dental veneers are not the ideal cosmetic solution for each patient. The best way to understand whether you are a good candidate for porcelain veneers is to schedule a consultation with our dentist.

After an examination and evaluation of factors unique to each patient, a determination can be made about whether veneers can benefit your smile. Generally speaking, patients should have teeth and gums in good health prior to the placement of dental veneers.

Concerns Veneers Can Address

Patients who have stains on their teeth may find that our whitening treatments can help to see a whiter and brighter smile in just a single appointment. Stains that are much more severe cannot typically be addressed with a whitening treatment. For these individuals, dental veneers are a much better cosmetic solution.

Teeth that are chipped or cracked, but are otherwise healthy and stable, can be aesthetically restored with veneers. Small gaps between teeth can be covered with dental veneers so that your resulting smile is simply flawless. This is a good option to consider for patients who prefer to avoid braces and aligners tray systems that can close these gaps.

Dental veneers can be color-matched to the surrounding natural teeth. This ensures that your veneers look completely natural once in place.

Benefits To Selecting Dental Veneers

There are several benefits that can come from the selection of dental veneers to address cosmetic concerns. Versatility is perhaps the best benefit of veneers, as they can immediately improve the appearance of your teeth. Whether due to chips, minor alignment issues, discoloration or staining, veneers allow you to instantly correct these cosmetic concerns.

Who is a Candidate for Veneers in Concord, CA